Well, let me clarify;… trek, lets go trek up a mountain! I’m not dangling off the side of anyone’s mountain by a thread most call a ‘safety rope’, or ice picks. My upper body strength isn’t up to par mate. This challenge is multifaceted for me. My favourite landscape is the view of distant mountains. Whether I’m looking down through a clear blue sky from the window of a plane, standing from afar looking into the distance, with mountains around, or at the top of Mount Titlis in Switzerland surrounded by the Alps; it is a view that evokes unexplainable emotions for me. In an odd way, it reflects how wondrous our world is, how small I am within it, and how much greater God is for creating it all.
Read moreMount Kilimanjaro Anyone?
Me (dressed ALL WRONG) and some experienced hikers during a hike up Deer Creek Canyon Park, in Denver, Colorado- November 2012